Monday, December 12, 2011

High Def POV Stereo with better Camera

Using VIO POV HD Action Cameras for Recording 3D Video

If you thought that you can use only the GoPro HERO or HERO 2 action cameras together with the GoPro 3D HERO system or maybe alternatively use the Drift HD Action Camera with MIO 3D for recording 3D video with a compact solution and in extreme conditions, then you should be aware that there are other alternatives as well. One such interesting alternative is the VIO POV HD action camera, a similar solution to the others already mentioned, but with slightly different approach and some extra features. The VIO POV HD camera uses a separate module containing the lens and the sensor (camera head) connected with a cable to the long main body of the device, it appears to be more rugged and also offers some interesting and more advanced features compared to the HERO and Drift HD cameras… but all that also comes with a higher price.

As with the other action cameras, using VIO POV HD also requires you to pair two of these cameras together and have them synchronized in order to get the two separate views required for the 3D video you are making. On the image above you can see roughly what are the sizes of the camera head of the VIO POV HD, so that you can get an idea how you can pair two of them in a stereoscopic 3D rig. The largest size is the front part of the camera head has a diameter of about 38 millimeters, so the minimum interaxial distance you can get by pairing two of these heads is going to be around 38 millimeters. It is up to you to make a custom mount that will hold the two camera heads together and maybe will also allow you to easily change the interaxial distance.

The VIO POV HD action cameras come with a wireless remote control that can be used to start/stop recording video on single as well as multiple cameras at the same time (works with more than two cameras as well). The thing you need to do is first make sure what is the channel number at which the remote control is set to operate at, there is a dial inside the remote that can be used to select from 10 available channels. Then you need to set the channel of the wireless remote inside the configuration of the two cameras that you are going to use for recording 3D video, you can find the option in the Settings menu of the device under Remote ID Channel. Make sure that both cameras are set to use the same channel and that the channel is the same that one of the wireless remotes is set to operate at, you can easily test if everything is properly working if both cameras start/stop recording at the same time. As usual with this type of synchronization of two cameras using a remote control to trigger them together you should expect some slight drift in the synchronization, but you should be able to fix that in post most of the time.
To check what are the current prices of the VIO POV HD action cameras…

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